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Place: ECC

•Main Task: Make Outline


    - Title: <Sea Breeze in Island>

(1) Identify the sea breeze by configuring the real data input of Jeju island

(2) Identify the changes in sea breeze according to changes in the landscape and the land use type of Je-ju Island


    - Missed to determine the intention of the term project

    - Missed to control the difficulty of the goal

: Failure to accurately consider time and the ability of the team (not enough time and our ability to approach a goal)


Place: Engineering Building B

Main Task: Modify Outline


    -Title: <The change of sea breeze by the Variation of Horizontal Wind by altitude>

(1) Basic setting

(2) Constant wind

(3) Linear change of wind velocity by altitude

(4) Actual wind

Place: Engineering Building B, 5th floor, computer lab room

•Main Task: Simulate WRF Modeling1: <1. Basic Setting & 2. Constant Wind>


(1) Set wind velocity to zero at an altitude of 0 m to 2571.1 m

(2) Set wind speed to (+,-)6 m/s and (+,-)3 m/s (with color bar range of u-wind: -1 to 1)


- It is difficult to observe and analyze the exact sea-breeze because the range of the color bar is smaller than the value of initial set constant wind

- Try changing the initial constant wind conditions by the altitude of a cell of sea breeze. (4038 m)



Place: Engineering Building B, 5th floor, computer lab room

•Main Task: Simulate WRF Modeling2: <3. Linear change of wind velocity by altitude>


(1) Add the condition, where color bar range of u-wind -6 m/s to 6 m/s

(2) Add the condition at an altitude of 0 m to 4038 m

(3) Increase 0.5 m/s and 1 m/s at each altitude from 1311.3 m to 2571.1 m. Decrease 0.5m/s and 1m/s at each altitude from 1311.3m to 123.2m.

(4) Set wind speed to 1 m/s and 3 m/s from 123.2m to 1780.0m, and set wind speed to -1m/s and -3m/s from 2033.0m to 4038 m.


- It was difficult to analyze the effects of the initial constant wind because the speed of constant wind is so large that changes in the sea breeze also appeared large.

- Fix the all condition at an altitude of 0 m to 2571.1 m




Place: Engineering Building B

•Main Task:

Simulate WRF Modeling3: <2. Constant Wind & 3. Linear change of wind velocity by altitude > and Analysis: u-wind & w-wind


(1) Set wind speed to (+,-)0.1m/s, (+,-)0.5m/s and (+,-)1m/s up to 2571.1m

(2) Set altitude of 1311.3m to 0 m/s. Increase 0.01m/s, 0.03m/s, 0.05m/s and 0.07m/s at each altitude from 1311.3m to 2571.1m. Decrease 0.01m/s, 0.03m/s, 0.05m/s and 0.07m/s at each altitude from 1311.3m to 123.2m.

(3) Analysis u-wind and w-direction: compare constant wind with basic setting


- Set wind speed (+,-) 0.1m/s ~ 1m/s with color bar range of u-wind [-1 to 1] and wind speed (+,-) 1m/s ~ 6m/s with color bar range of u-wind [-6 to 6]

- Need to analyze temperature as well as u-wind and w-wind to compare correct wind speed and direction.

Place: Engineering Building B

•Main Task:

Simulate WRF Modeling4: temperature and Analysis: temperature with u-wind and w-wind


(1) Analysis temperature with u-wind and w-direction: compare constant wind with basic setting

(2) Categorize content based on analysis for web-page creation


- In comparison with basic setting(wind velocity to zero), need to worry about the causes of initial constant wind characteristics

- Even in the case of sea-breeze in initial constant wind, there is a lot of analysis, so “(3) linear change of wind velocity by altitude” is excluded.

- In terms of time, “(4)actual wind” is excluded.

Place: Engineering Building B

•Main Task: Consideration of causes for analysis


(1) Consider the causes of the features of constant wind identified by the analysis

(2) Start to make web-page



- Need to select data that shows the characteristics of the sea-breeze in initial constant wind of the analysis results


Place: Engineering Building B

•Main Task: Organize result and make wed-page


- Select data that shows the characteristics of the sea-breeze in initial constant wind of the analysis results


Place: Engineering Building B

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