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Weather Charts

  • Gwangju, from 14:05


500 hPa

Cutoff low with cold core and high vorticity is located above the Korean peninsula. Because Korean peninsula is located at the low pressure trough area, we can figure out that the cold air mass from northern part came down to the south. The temperature at this height level above the area where hail occurred is about -15℃~-10℃.



Low pressure is developed above the Korean Peninsula. The temperature at the 500hPa was -15℃~10℃, so the temperature difference between 500hPa and 850hPa is about 22~27℃. Because of the influence of the cutoff low, the temperature difference between the upper and lower layer is becoming large.

지상 확대.png


Low pressure exists near the Korean peninsula, and the upper trough exists below the Korean peninsula.

Jetstream is extended through below the Korean peninsula, and the jetstreak exists near the Korean peninsula, which can cause large vertical wind shear. The temperature difference between 500hPa and 850hPa is about 30~35℃.

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