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Weather Charts

  • Gwangjin-gu, Seongdong-gu, Seoul at 11 a.m.


500 hPa

  • The hail broke out at 11 a.m. in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul.

  • The cut-off low with cold core forms a type of southward movement from the northwest.

  • If the cut-off low is located above the Korean Peninsula, there is a possibility of atmospheric instability due to the temperature difference between the upper and lower levels.

  • Upper level temperature is about -25 to -20 degrees Celsius (There is a -15 degrees line nearby.)

850 hPa

  • Baroclinic - Cold advection



  • The surface temperature is 6 degrees Celsius, and the difference between 500hPa and the surface is about 26 degrees.

  • There is a front. Warm air is dominant before this cold front passes, and as the cold air moves southward as it passes, there is also a continuous and horizontal temperature gradient. Then the instability increases and hail occurs. It usually occurs in autumn.

  • The temperature difference between the upper and lower floors increases, resulting in severe atmospheric instability.

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