Weather Charts
Yangcheon-gu and Gangseo-gu, Seoul, for 20 minutes from 11:30 a.m.
500 hPa
Seoul, 11:30 a.m.
Above the northern part of the Korean peninsula, low pressure which has cold core with it is developed.
Cold advection occurs toward the Korean peninsula.
At 500hPa, the temperature above the Korean peninsula is about –10℃.
850 hPa
Connected with 500hPa weather chart, there exists a low pressure system at the northern part of the Korean peninsula.
The temperature at this pressure level is about 14℃. Therefore, the temperature difference between 500hPa and 850hPa is about 24℃.
Also connected with 500hPa and 850hPa weather chart, the low pressure system is developed at the same location with previous two weather charts. This can be a condition for the low pressure system to be strongly developed.
The Korean peninsula is located at the east part of the trough. This shows the possibility that the strong wind and low pressure can be developed.
Jetstream across above the Korean peninsula, therefore strong vertical wind speed difference is occurred.