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Weather Charts

  • Yangcheon-gu and Gangseo-gu, Seoul, for 20 minutes from 11:30 a.m.


500 hPa   

Seoul, 11:30 a.m.

  • Above the northern part of the Korean peninsula, low pressure which has cold core with it is developed.

  • Cold advection occurs toward the Korean peninsula.

  • At 500hPa, the temperature above the Korean peninsula is about –10℃.


850 hPa

  • Connected with 500hPa weather chart, there exists a low pressure system at the northern part of the Korean peninsula.

  • The temperature at this pressure level is about 14℃. Therefore, the temperature difference between 500hPa and 850hPa is about 24℃.



  • Also connected with 500hPa and 850hPa weather chart, the low pressure system is developed at the same location with previous two weather charts. This can be a condition for the low pressure system to be strongly developed.

  • The Korean peninsula is located at the east part of the trough. This shows the possibility that the strong wind and low pressure can be developed.

  • Jetstream across above the Korean peninsula, therefore strong vertical wind speed difference is occurred.

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