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Weather Charts

  • 11:20 a.m. in Jung-gu and other parts of Seoul

500 hPa

  • Upper level cold air + strong vortices(cut-off low)

  • A temperature of -25 -30 degrees Celsius at 500hPa can be found to have very strong cold core

850hPa 확대.png

850 hPa

We can see the development of a strong low-pressure system over Korea. Rapid temperature gradient due to the folding phenomenon of the tropospheric surface can be seen, resulting in cold advection in Korea.

지상 확대.png


  • At this time, surface temperature in Seoul is 10 to 15 degrees Celsius, and the temperature difference between 500hPa and the surface temperature is about 15 degrees Celsius.

  • Strong low pressure system has developed in Korea and there is a lower level jet zone, so the vertical wind shear is deepening.

  • Jet Streak exists over the Korean Peninsula.

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