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Weather Charts
11:20 a.m. in Jung-gu and other parts of Seoul
500 hPa
Upper level cold air + strong vortices(cut-off low)
A temperature of -25 -30 degrees Celsius at 500hPa can be found to have very strong cold core
850 hPa
We can see the development of a strong low-pressure system over Korea. Rapid temperature gradient due to the folding phenomenon of the tropospheric surface can be seen, resulting in cold advection in Korea.
At this time, surface temperature in Seoul is 10 to 15 degrees Celsius, and the temperature difference between 500hPa and the surface temperature is about 15 degrees Celsius.
Strong low pressure system has developed in Korea and there is a lower level jet zone, so the vertical wind shear is deepening.
Jet Streak exists over the Korean Peninsula.
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